
June 29, 2010 § 6 Comments

Must be nice….. She seems to have it all together. Why am I stuck doing _____ and he gets to do something I have been wanting to do for a long time? Why does everything seem to come easy to them and we have to struggle?

Sound familiar? Can you think of a time in the last day, week, or month that you have entertained even one of those thoughts? Have the words “it must be nice” escaped your lips lately?  I know I have thought those thoughts and said “it must be nice” more than once lately.  It is everywhere. We compare our hair color or amount, our dress size, the bulk of our muscles, the make and model of our car or phone. We even compare gadgets. Let’s face it comparing ourselves is the American way. The question is, “is it God’s way?”

Comparing ourselves leads to discontent with what we have and who we are. Suddenly our phone that has served us well and meets our needs is not as “cool” as someone else’s. Maybe our spouse isn’t as helpful or supportive as our neighbor’s spouse seems. We wish we were better at keeping our house organized and we want to be more like our friend or sister who seems to have it all together.  We want to be more free-spirited like our neighbor whose family seems to be having spur of the moment fun constantly.  Most of us have that one person in our lives that we idealize.  We think, he has it all together.  He or she has the job, the house, the spouse, the kids, the dog, the boat, the charisma.  I want to be like him or her…

Oh friends listen to Isaiah, “Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?'” (Isaiah 49:9b)  God has made us for His perfect plan in His perfect way.  God planned your “imperfections” as well as your strengths.  God doesn’t want you checking out everyone else.  Saying if only I could sing like that or it “must be” nice having that car.  He wants usto say with the Psalmist, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14b  He wants us to give back to Him what He has given to us.  He isn’t asking us to be something we are not.  He only wants us to be faithful with the things He has given us.  He only wants all of us!

So the next time “MUST BE NICE” starts to knock around in our brains, let’s use it as a thankfulness cue.  Thanking God for how He made us, what He has given us, and where He is taking us.  What are somethings you are thankful for today?  Comment below.  I’ll start.

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§ 6 Responses to Comparing

  • Gayla Patterson says:

    I am thankful for you, Angela, and the reminders you give me. Do you follow me around to come up with these stories? haha…Seriously, those words HAVE come out of my mouth recently as I have had issues to deal with that make me say “why me?” and why can’t I be like her, etc etc etc….this post brings a reminder of “why NOT me?” and I have also seen that God has put me through these things to encourage other women who are going through the same thing. I am also forced to look at my many blessings…..which in truth are way too many to count…..

  • Jennifer Hopkins says:

    “God planned your imperfections as well as your strengths.” That is quite a thought! “He isn’t asking us to be something we are not.” Oh what a great reminder!! Thanks so much for this post. I really needed this, as hard as that is to admit…

  • Melanie W says:

    I am thankful for my kids and husband, even when the two oldest are fighting and wrestling!! And I’m thankful for the beautiful weather today.

  • Kathy Fraley says:

    I am thankful that I am alive, that God has been with me always and never left my side during my illness. I am thankful for my family who loves me, I am truly blessed.

  • Sherry Farris says:

    I am thankful that God gave me and my husband 4 wonderful children and so far, 9 wonderful grandchildren. They are truly gifts from the Father Above.

  • I am thankful for my messy house, my crazy kids, my busy husband. I am thankful that God has given me an opportunity to serve Him with the gifts He has given me. Namely in writing and in speaking the things He is teaching me!

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