Finishing Well and Passing Your Faith

April 14, 2011 § 8 Comments

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§ 8 Responses to Finishing Well and Passing Your Faith

  • Angela Freeman says:

    Thank you for your inspiring words! Very encouraging to me since I know my “calling” in life is kids. So precious to see how their spirits are so alive unto Christ and they soak in the truth of God’s Word with such trusting hearts.

    • So glad I could encourage you. All us in the body of Christ need to give to those coming behind us. We often don’t think twice about our children’s ministries, but they are so important in raising up the next generation. We only have them young for a short time. It is time that will not be wasted!

  • Kathy says:

    So true Angela! I loved the video. I remember all the ones who were so instrumental to my own faith in Jesus; from early childhood, teenage years and then young adult. I thank God for those who invested their time and talents in me. Not one prayer or example was ever wasted.

  • Helen says:

    Super! I loved hearing such a wonderful message. I had no idea that by the age of 13 that so many decisions are made. But it makes perfect sense, your mind and heart are still so open. The new AMP building at Eastside supports your testimony, we are so blessed to have this wonderful place. You challenge me to be the best disciple I can be, to pass my faith and finish well.

    • True Helen, but the the Amp’d Building only has the kids for one year of the first crucial 13. It is still a wonderful way to build into the next generation. Oh, but we need to think not only of our youth, but our babies, toddlers, school age, pre-teens. They all are our next generation. 😉

  • D2 says:

    Well said, Miss Angela. It’s kind of like savings accounts, the earlier you start saving the more interest you make over time. The earlier we invest in the next generation, the more opportunities they will have to share their faith.

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