That Day

March 30, 2010 § Leave a comment

Here is a poem I wrote dated 6-20-2002

That Day

You cried for me that day.
You cried for my waywardness.
You cried for my pain.
You thought of me and You cried.

You prayed for me that day.
You prayed for strength.
You prayed against temptation.
You thought of me and You prayed.

You died for me that day.
You died for my sins.
You died for my freedom.
You thought of me and You died.

You rose for me that day.
You rose for victory.
You rose for reconciliation.
You thought of me and You rose.

You ascended for me that day.
You ascended to prepare for me.
You ascended to send Your Spirit.
You thought of me and You ascended.

Identifying with Jonah

March 29, 2010 § 2 Comments

So, “Jonah was a prophet, ooo-ooo, but he really never got it, sad but true, if you watch him you can spot it, doodlie do, he did not get the point.”  So if you know Veggie Tales and you have seen their movie Jonah, you know the song I just quoted.  However, I often find myself acting in the same way Jonah did.  I clearly understand that God tells us to, ‘”Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”‘ Mark 16:15  So why do I often do as Jonah did and say I don’t want to and run in the other direction?  Below are some thoughts that came about while the senior pastor at our church was doing a series on Jonah.

How often does God have something for me to do and I go kicking and screaming?  “I don’t want to!” I stamp my foot like my two year old and cross my arms.  “Do I have to?”  I whine like my five year old.  Or even worse I arch my back and wail like my 8 month old.

“Daughter I have given you a story to share.  Share it.”

“But it hurts Lord, I don’t want to!”

“Daughter I have given you that story to bless others.  You prayed that those situations would bring Me glory.”

“But I do I have to share that story God?”

“Daughter I have given you strength beyond your capabilities, I have given you eloquence beyond your understanding, I have given you experiences bigger than yourself that you might share them with others.”

I arch my back and wail….

Then I wonder why God isn’t using me.  How can I be of importance to His kingdom?  What am I to do?  His answer is “go and tell.”  My answer is so often, “no.”

Father forgive me.  Forgive my stubborn stiff necked ways.  Forgive my hard heart that holds my experiences with You tightly.  Forgive my selfishness that doesn’t share Your river of life with those who are aching for it as in the dry and weary land.  Oh Father that I would have a heart like Yours.  That I would lay down my hopes and dreams, my plans, my expectations at Your feet.  Lord that I may say with Your Son, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”  That I would suffer for You.  Not because of my sin, not because of my hard heart, but because I am willing to say no to myself and yes to Your will.  Father prune my vine of the things that distract me from serving You.  Father I trust that as I die to my hopes, my plans, that I will grow like a seed to produce more and more fruit for Your glory and honor.  Sovereign One, as I release my grip on the direction I want and think my life should go, may I rest in knowing You love me, You have plans for me, and You are never out of control.  The pruning makes the plant more beautiful so I pray my life may be more clearly reflective of Your beauty.  The death to myself allows me to bear much fruit and allows others to see You more clearly.  Finally resting in the back seat as You control and direct my life gives me peace, endurance, and joy that in all things that Your name will be honored glorified.

Freedom in Christ…

March 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

So a sweet friend of mine posted on her facebook page the following question:

Are you Free in Jesus Christ? If you are – how did you get there? If not – why are you not there?

Here is an expanded version of my answer to my sweet friend.  By the way, I LOVE it when my brothers and sisters in Christ ask me questions to ponder about Him!

Positionally I am free! When I accepted Jesus as my savior, I was set free from being a slave to sin and death.  Col 2:13-15  However sometimes those old shackles of sin are comfortable. They are what I am used to, they are sickeningly my friends.  Sometimes they are my excuse. I can’t because what will people think, I can’t because I mess up too often. I can’t because I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, whatever enough. I can’t because I know I will mess up and then what will people say.  Sometimes they are my vices, my sin, my mistakes that I think disqualify me from God’s grace or mercy or even His desire to use me.  Sometimes they are just the things I want to do or I think are important, but are not God’s BEST for me.  Sometimes they are my selfish desires and they keep me locked away from God.  Locked away from being used to reach others.  James 4:17

However when I read and dwell on His word, when I confess sin, when I allow God to direct my thinking. 2Cor 10:5  Phil 4:8  His truth can be lived out as freedom in my life. Why? Because my security is in my savior who loves me unconditionally who died for me who has a plan and purpose for my life that will have eternal significance! I Cor. 15:3-4, John 10:10, Jer 29:11,  That means I have purpose every day I have something God intends me to do or say that will matter for all eternity.  That means that God has equipped and prepared me to accomplish His will.  IPet 4:10  That also means that I have value because God chose me, God equips me, God LOVES me…

So, positionally I am free. That work was done of the cross.  Romans 6:18  However daily,let’s be honest, this can be a minute by minute choice I must choose between the chains or the freedom that comes from an intimate relationship with Him. through His word, through prayer, through praise, through fasting, through serving Him in all I say and do. Oh that battle that wages in me that battle not against flesh and blood but against those spiritual forces of darkness. Eph 6:12  Praise God He equips us for the battle!  Eph 6:10-18  Praise God the One who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world!  I John 4:4

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