Infertility Issues

I have blogged about my infertility journey and if you want the long story here are the links to those posts:

You are not alone
My Journey with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Then There were 28
What Happened to the Nine?
The Final Three

The short story is this:

I had one child naturally. Then when trying to conceive (TTC) our second child, I had two different tubal pregnancies, one in each tube, and both tubes ruptured. So in about six months, I lost my ability to conceive naturally. My husband and I prayed and decided in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was the way God was leading us to expand our family. Through that process we had two more children. However I still long for more children. Against my will, God has called me to write about my journey and encourage others walking the same path with me. I’d love to learn more about your journey. Drop me a comment!


§ 5 Responses to Infertility Issues

  • Kushani perera says:

    hi Angela

    I m a sri Lankan .I m trying for babies last one and half years.i having more dosage daily.but we not get good news yet. sometimes i think i couldn’t have a babies.i m nervous about this infertility matter

    Please pray for me.

    Thank you

  • C. Anne Campbell says:

    Hi Angela,

    My husband and I have been trying to conceive for two years now. In the past year we’ve tried fertility drugs and three IUIs with no success. We’ve both gone through a litany of tests and were eventually diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility. At the suggestion of my OBGYN, we recently visited the Tulsa Infertility Clinic to try and determine what our options are.

    A few months ago my hormone levels were tested and along with that they tested my Vitamin D and Ferritin. When my Ferritin level came back elevated, we were shocked. To make a long story short, in December 2010 I was diagnosed with Hemochromatosis.

    So after many blood tests, CAT Scans and an echocardiogram, my first appointment with Dr. Mackey was today. It almost seemed like fate that God put him in my path. When I explained how I happened upon my Hemochromatosis diagnosis, he immediately shared your story of infertility.

    I explained that we’ve read about IVF, but we’ve never had the opportunity to discuss it with someone who has been in our shoes. He told me about your blog and the book you’re writing and advised me to contact you.

    My husband and I are still hoping that we will conceive naturally in the next few months, but if not we are going to try IVF.

    Would you mind sharing your insight and maybe something you would do differently if you had it to do over again?

    Thank you for listening.


    C. Anne Campbell

    • Oh Anne,

      I am praying for you and would love to give you any insight I can. I sent you a private e-mail as well. I hope you got it. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

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