Three Empty Chairs

February 1, 2011 § 4 Comments

My blessings have been prodding and poking the painful places in my soul lately. As God is apt to do He uses their naivety to shed light on things I would prefer to leave in the dark. He shakes me awake through them as they open their hearts to me…

“Mommy, I want another baby in this house.”

“So do I my child, so do I,” I whisper to myself and then I pray again for a miracle. Either in my body, on my doorstep, or in my and my family’s hearts.

For all would be true miracles of God…a baby in a womb as good as dead;
a child who needs adopted with no strings attached, no painful search, no doubt he or she is ours;
or God’s work in our hearts changing the longing to contentment, not contentment to wait or the hard fought peace that comes while we wait for God’s miracle, no the heart change that knows and rests knowing the miracle is in the changed heart.

“Three empty chairs mommy. Who can we invite to fill them?”

Who to invite to our three empty chairs? Three…yes three empty chairs. Three babies who were only held in my womb not in my arms, but there is more in that number…Yes who to invite to fill our chairs? God our Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. Three separate, yet all one. The perfect trio to fill our chairs, calm our longing hearts, and to sit with us while we await our miracle.

While you wait for a miracle from God, who are you inviting to wait with you? I would love to pray with you. What miracle are you waiting for? Click the comment link at the top of this post.

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You all are blessings to me!!! Thank you for stopping by!

Why the Little Things?

January 19, 2011 § 6 Comments

Longing…Oh the stretching, longing, burning…

The dream of what could be, where to go, but how to get there hangs in the air…

We can’t see it. The journey from here to there, but the hope of there is planted firmly in our hearts.

The here seems insignificant, unimportant, little. Oh but what we do here in the seemingly insignificant, unimportant, and little is what shapes the journey. What we do with the little we have matters because when we are faithful in what seems little, He gives us more.

Remember the parable of the talents? (Matthew 25:14-30). When the servant is faithful in small things, God gives that servant more. Not to stress over, but more talents to use for His glory.

So I challenge you all who feel like God has given you “little” (laundry, dishes, little hands and feet, an insignificant job, a small blog, whatever it is that seems little to you), do the “little” things well and then He can entrust you with the “big” things. (FYI little hands and feet are not little things even if they seem that way some days. They are BIG things.)

My dream is that Rethinking My Thinking ministries will flourish for God’s glory. That I will speak and write His words to encourage and challenge others to be more like Him. That together we will walk this journey of faith in order to bring glory, praise and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. Honestly that big dream, seems unreachable at times. Oh, but if it is God’s will it will happen. In the mean time I am reaching who He wants me to…You! 😉 I pray that this blog is a blessing and encouragement to you. I pray that as I share the things God is teaching me, you are  challenged to walk closer to Him. All for His glory….

So with that in mind, what would you like to hear from me? Are there any topics or specific encouragement you need? I want to serve God by serving you. Let me know! I can’t wait to hear from you.

Gray Day

January 18, 2011 § 4 Comments

Dr. Seuss wrote a book before he died titled My Many Colored Days. He describes how on different days he feels different. Well, today is a gray day. “Gray day…Everything is gray. I watch, but nothing moves today.”

It is cool overcast winter day. The kind of day that the clouds look more like they are the sky and there is no blue beyond. The grass is damp, the air feels like a garment that envelops you as you walk outside. Just plain gray. The world seems to pause. The trees stand bolt upright, barely allowing what is left of their leaves to rustle in the breeze. It seems like it is a waiting day. A day that nothing is happening but gloom and heaviness. Even the clouds seem heavy with moisture.

On a day like today I am reminded that God can give us a “garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair…” (Isa 61:3). So today despite the gray-ness around me, I choose the garment of praise. I am going to praise God for who He is: Faithful, True, Just, Merciful, Graceful, Loving, AWESOME, Holy, Worthy, Forgiver of Sins, Healer, Almighty, All-Knowing, Amazing…What are you going to praise God for?

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