1,000 Gifts…

September 29, 2010 § 4 Comments

I am going to join the Gratitude Community and start listing things for which I am thankful for…I hope you enjoy this list. It will become a regular part of my blog and I hope that it blesses you.

1. For God, that He created the Earth knowing He would have to send His Son and did it anyway. John 1

2. For Jesus, who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Oh thank You Jesus! Phillipians 2:3-8

3. For air to breathe

4. For good health for my husband, my kids, and myself

5. For a house that is more than we need so we can easily share with others

6. For my backyard that is a haven for my family

7. For my three precious children

8. For my 7 babies I got to hold in my womb, but not in  my arms

9. For my 3 babies lost to two tubal pregnancies (we can’t prove it, but I believe one of those pregnancies was twins)

10. For my 12 babies that lived in a dish, but not in my womb

11. For the finances to choose In-vitro as an option to grow our family

12. For sweet friends who encourage me (Heb 10:24-25)

13. For the smell of rain

14. For changing seasons

15. For laundry since I have clothes to wear

16. For food to eat

17. For clean water

18. For my church family

19. For the fellowship of suffering so that I get to know Jesus more (Phil 3:10)

20. That God uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise (1 Cor 1:27)

21. That my children play well together (mostly)

22. My youngest put poo-poo in the potty twice and peed in the potty (mostly) twice today

23. For my middle child who plays with her belly button when she feels tired.

24. For my youngest who lets me kiss his precious cheeks and then kisses mine in return.

25. For my oldest who will always keep me in line regardless if I ask her to or not.

Pole Prayer

September 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

Last Wednesday was the 20 year anniversary of See Ya At The Pole. Students in junior high and high schools across the globe gather at the flag pole to pray. I remember being at the flag pole in front of my school that first year, twenty years ago. My heart was skipping beats. I felt excited to show my love for God, but I also felt scared. I knew it wasn’t cool to pray at the flag pole, that didn’t bother me much. What concerned me was who else would come? Would I be the only one? Certainly not, but what if… I always felt as if I was jumping of a cliff, certain my bungee cord would work, but the jump was always hard. Standing at the edge of the cliff, tied to my Savior. Would I trust Him to hold me up? Would I take that step of faith, or would I just ignore the pole? It would be easy enough. I didn’t have to get to school early enough to go to the pole. I could have my mom drop me off on the other side of campus so I didn’t have to even go near the pole. My heart burned in my chest. I knew what God was calling me to do, but would I dare?

I look back and smile at those days of uncertainty. Oh, but I struggle with those same faith issues. When God is clearly telling me to do something and I am unsure or unwilling. I am standing on that edge, conflicted. I want to take the step, but the cliff is high. I step back and ask God again, “Are You sure? This is the step I have to take?” He doesn’t have to answer, I already know. I step back to the edge, I take a deep breath and I jump. I jump because I know I have an anchor in heaven. It is the cross. I need not fear, when God calls me to take a step of faith He is faithful to complete it. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” We need not fear, we need only to step out in faith and obey.

I did pray at the pole for the four years I was in high school. I took that step of faith. Not because I was some super Christian; not because I had it all together, but because I was obedient to the One who gives me a spirit of power and love and discipline. Now twenty years later, my daughters who attend a Christian school, got to pray at their pole. It brought tears to my eyes, as I watched God’s legacy continue. As I thought of students throughout the world gathering to pray, I prayed that God’s spirit of power, love, and discipline would sweep across the globe. I also prayed that God would have His way with us, and that we would take steps of faith in humble obedience.

Father, thank You for Your Spirit of power, love, and discipline. Lord help me take the steps of faith to which You are calling me. Help me to allow Your Spirit to have Your way in my life. That I may serve You in humble obedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Precision Living

September 24, 2010 § 3 Comments

There it was on the counter, three containers of milk, a bottle of allergy medicine, and a stick of deodorant for my husband, a testimony to God’s faithfulness, His provision. Oh and conviction for sin in my life. Seriously? How could something so mundane as what was on my counter SCREAM God is faithful, He provides, and I am a sinner?

Earlier that morning I had started my mental list. Milk…we don’t have enough to make it through the weekend. Can I get by with only milk? I silently mused. At some point my husband reminded me that he needed deodorant and allergy medicine. So after my morning routine, I ran to the store to get the needed items. I had decided this would be a precision trip. In, out, get what I need and gone. However I got distracted as I looked to find deodorant, I found a razor for me, body wash for my child, and at the dairy case, I found creamer for my coffee. All things I would use, but didn’t “need” at the moment.

Satisfied I had everything I needed, I headed to the cash register. After I place my items on the conveyor belt, the checker announces she can only accept cash or check. Their machines are down. Why didn’t she tell me BEFORE I put my items on the conveyor belt. I don’t have time for this, I silently rage. Then God quiets my soul. So I begin to run through the what-am-I-going-to-do scenarios in my mind. Finally, I actually look in my wallet. Not enough for everything, but maybe…So she rings me up. Not, enough…Take the creamer off…Take the razor off…and the body wash…Still not enough…Take one of the milks…Stop! I have enough and one dollar left over! YEA God!

I didn’t realize it until I got home, but there on the counter were the things I went to the store for. That and nothing more. God provided the right amount of money for me to get the exact things He sent me to get, nothing more, nothing less. Just milk, deodorant, and allergy medicine.

How often do we get distracted in our daily lives? Many things distract us, good things like ministries, volunteer opportunities, mission trips. However, God wants us to live precision lives. Lives dedicated to doing what He has gifted us to do. Things He has given us special provision to do. Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has a perfect plan, a precision plan. He wants us to ONLY pick up milk, deodorant, and allergy medicine. No more, no less.

Father God, thank You for having things prepared for us to do. Forgive us for being distracted by good things that are not Your best things for us. Lord help us to live precision lives, serving others with the gifts and provision You have given us. Give us wisdom and discernment to know what precision things You have for us to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What’s on your precision life list? Please share.

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