What a Break Does to Me

March 28, 2011 § 10 Comments

Last week was Spring Break. I loved it. I loved sleeping in (sort of you know kids don’t really ever sleep in), I enjoyed having friends over (tremendously), and I got to see my family (haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving). Oh, but my body prefers routine. I was unable or unwilling to get in bed when I needed and up when I needed. I did not use the work-out clothes I so dutifully packed nor did I monitor how much I was eating. (My mom and sisters can cook!)

So when I got my weary rear-end in bed last night I planned on getting up early and getting my blog post done and a few other things to make the first day back to school go smoothly…It didn’t happen that way. First I stayed up way to late…Then I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep. However God did graciously wake me up. There was no time for a blog post, and I had to decide between quiet time and shower. I chose quiet time thinking that I could just drop the girls off and quickly run home.

I woke my kids and they did GREAT getting ready this morning! I was so proud of them. We got downstairs and I realized I didn’t have milk. I had a few swallows for each kid, but that is it. So I knew I had to go to the store unshowered, but dressed, face washed, and teeth brushed (my hair was in a hat). No biggie…Most likely I won’t run into anyone I know.

I even had time to make two lunches this morning and to fry some eggs…Not for me, but I was going to get breakfast after that quick jaunt to the store…All was well, we got out the door in record time and headed to school. As I went to drop off E and L, I realized it was honor’s chapel for E. UGH!

Maybe she won’t want me to come, I thought as I turned to ask her if she wanted me there. Since I hadn’t showered, her answer was YES she needed me there. 😉 So here is a picture of what I looked like this morning for your enjoyment. I was thankful to see a few other mothers in hats and sweats, but I am afraid I took the grungy prize! 😉

And so I continue to count the things for which I am thankful for:

326. Spring weather

327. Outdoor play time

328. Friends that point me to Him

329. Clouds to keep the temperature comfortable

330. Children playing with friends

331. Growing children

332. Precious time on my knees

333. Sound of running water

334. Sound of my kids working together

335. Clouds parting in the early evening to let the sun through

336. Time with extended family

337. Baby Finely is home and doing well

338. Safe travels

339. My kids love their cousins

340. My J is all boy

341. My E still wants me around

342. My L loves babies

343. My husband loves to play with the kids

344. Audiobooks

345. God’s perfect direction

346. Snow up north as we drove south toward home

347. Friends

348. Learning to speak in grace

349. God woke me up this morning

350. We were on-time to school

351. I got to see E’s honor’s chapel

352. The Japanese Maple in the backyard is a beautiful red

353. Spring blooms

354. My washer and dryer

355. My new Jayhawk gear (yes I know they lost yesterday)

356. The built-in griddle on my stove

357. That I know how to use a stethoscope and I know what I am listening for

358. Cool coffee because I can never seem to drink it when I pour it

359. Clouds parting to show blue skies

360. The beautiful colors of sunrise

361. Other moms in hats and sweats at honors chapel

What are you thankful for? Does having a break make it difficult for you to stay on task? I can’t wait to hear what you think and what you are thankful for! Blessings to you all for this wonderful Monday!

1,000 Gifts Continued…

January 31, 2011 § 2 Comments

Yesterday I woke up in pain. Long story, but I got kicked (purely accidental) hard in the head while I was sleeping. So I ended up with essentially whip lash…I have had it twice due to car crashes…This kick brought it back. So I stood in our church service and felt like I may vomit because of the pain. My head swam as we sang praises to God. My heart tried to tell me I was being a hypocrite. Praising God when I felt terrible. That lie woke me up. The truth is that God is who He is no matter my circumstances. So it is with thanking God. We often don’t “feel it.” However when we thank God for who He is and what He has done for us. In the process of praising and thanking Him, the lie our hearts are telling us is exposed. So here is my list for this week…

151. Jazz music
152. Reminder of how new love feels
153. Wisdom of tried love and deeper feelings that go with it.
154. Three little voices in raised in harmony while playing together
155. Unseasonably warm weather
156. A stomach bug that started and ended at one
157. Fellow travelers on this journey of grace working through honest questions with me
158. Learning the role of mentor
159. Learning the role of mentee
160. The joy of song
161. Lessons learned through tears
162. My husband’s leadership
163. Time for my husband and I alone
164. Phones to stay close to my family
165. God who gives grace I am desperately in need of
166. For friends who encourage
167. For smiles on little faces
168. For longing for more smiles
169. For God’s perfect plan
170. For truth to tell our hearts when they try to deceive us
171. For electricity
172. My husband who takes care of me when I hurt
173. For discovering God’s word is true meat and bread for my soul.
174. For books that give applicable wisdom.
175. For heating pads, warm baths, and massages for crazy muscle pain.

What are you grateful for?

1,000 Gifts Continued…

January 17, 2011 § 2 Comments

When I truly practice gratefulness to God, I see life differently. My negative, hormonal attitude gets turned around. I can see God again. Giving me more than I could ever remember and more than I ever think to be thankful for.

Father God, please keep giving me grateful eyes that I will not take for granted all that You do for me. In Jesus’ name Amen.

101. for God’s amazing plan through simple obedience
102. for special times with special friends
103. for God’s perfect provision for our family
104. for snow in Arkansas
105. for a fun snow day with my precious blessings
106. for grace given by those same blessings to their fallible mommy
107. for seeing those blessings grow in treating each other with honor
108. for simple lessons like always check your answers on an open book test that 7 year-olds must be taught
109. for wisdom to teach simple lessons in a grace-filled way
110. for a warm fire on cold nights
111. for Vanilla-Caramel creamer for my cup of warm Joe
112. for sisters who offer grace when I forget to call them back
113. for the little things that matter for eternity
114. for the beautiful flowers my husband brought home on Monday
115. for my rolling Department of Health Violation vehicle (I actually vacuumed it today)
116. for large trash cans near those places to vacuum out vehicles
117. for imagination (I can only guess what those guys thought of how much junk I was removing from my van)
118. for large trash cans near gas pumps (I actually started the clean-up work there and the guy on the other side of the pump gave me a strange look)
119. for others watching, wondering what they must think keeps me laughing
120. for weathered hands, they tell the story of their owner’s life
121. for the smell of Prince Albert tobacco (in a can) it reminds me of my Granddaddy
122. for knowing Mark Garner (a friend who died 13 years ago, but knowing him changed me)
123. for the fifth and sixth graders at our church. They challenge me and sometimes frustrate me, but mostly I am in awe of their growing faith.
124. for my husband who dreams big dreams with me and supports me through them
125. for notes written by little hands that can only be read by little eyes.

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