The End is Near Part 3 (The S Word)

October 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

In 1 Peter 4:7 we read “the end of all things is near.” I blogged about how knowing the end is coming helps encourage me to finish well. You can find that post here. The phrase “the end of all things is near,” peaks my interest, I want to know more. However instead of telling us more, he tells us what to do in view of the end. He first says be clear minded which I blogged about in part two you can find it here….That one is difficult for me, but what is even more difficult is what he tells us to do next. 1 Peter 4:7 says, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled…”


Don’t some people have it and others don’t? There are those who are neat and orderly and others who are not. I am part of the not group. My house is often a mess, a pig sty, a disaster. I am a pile-er. If I don’t know exactly what to do with it, but I can’t throw it away, I put it in a pile. I kick off my shoes and don’t put them away. I always thought I would do better in my own house, in my own space. What I have discovered is that I don’t have the gene that helps me stay neat and tidy. I would love it, I strive to be disciplined in that way, but I am not. However God never said being self-controlled was easy. In fact the last time I checked self-control was a fruit of the Spiritsee Galatians 5:22-23. Since self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, I can’t conjure it up on my own. Only God’s Spirit can produce that fruit in my life. So the bottom line is that self-control is a work of God’s power in my life. When we are motivated, we are often willing to discipline ourselves for our goal – be it running a marathon, having a clean house, losing weight. However, in order to achieve those goals, we become addicted to or chained to our goal. We run and ignore other important things. Our house must be spotless before we allow anyone in the door. Often our “discipline” is at the expense of other things in our lives. Self-control, on the other hand, is allowing God’s power in my life to work in such a way that all I do reflects His character. Does that mean I won’t ever mess up and sin? No, but it does mean that my life is under control from God’s divine power to show off His character in me. When I am self-controlled in the godly sense, I often find the piles are getting smaller and my attitude is much better. All because I can say no to my natural reactions, to my sinful me and say yes to God.

Oh Heavenly Father, forgive me for not being self-controlled. Help me to live in such a way that I am clear minded and self-controlled. Remind me that I am living in the end times. Help me to be an appropriate reflection of You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

What do you need to say, “no,” to so that you can say, “yes,” to God?

So Sorry…

October 21, 2010 § 3 Comments

Well, I have been neglecting my blog for the past week. It all started with an ear infection a week ago. Since then I have been battling some abdominal pain. We do not know why I have this pain, but we do know I don’t have an ovarian cyst or mass or anything like that. Now that I am no longer on narcotics, I thought I would let you all know I hadn’t forgotten you. I just wasn’t feeling well enough to blog. I hope I didn’t disappoint you all.

So I am sure you all are waiting with bated breath my next blog post… 😉

1,000 Gifts continued…

October 13, 2010 § Leave a comment

Here is my continued list of things for which I am thankful…Let me also add I am continuing to pray for the Chilean mine rescue. They have got to be exhausted, but praise God that things are going so well. Please pray with me!

51. for older saints who help guide the way.
52. for different personalities they enrich my life and help me understand God better
53. for the crunch of fall leaves under my feet
54. for cool breezes (I may need a jacket soon)
55. for my children’s laughter
56. for compliments from my two year old, “You sweet mommy.”
57. when my kids implement what I have been modeling and speaking into their lives
58. for laughter
59. for Benedryl and how it helps fight allergic reactions
60. for my crazy type-A, but very cool under pressure personality (how did God do that?)
61. for my husband who balances me wonderfully well
62. for books
63. for God’s word my feast
64. for God’s intricate symphony that we call life. He is sovereign.
65. for God’s power and might. He is a force to be reckoned with.
66. for grace and mercy
67. for the fruits of the spirit, meaning it is the spirit that makes them grow in me and I don’t have to try to come up with the fruit myself.
68. for Pickle Ball (it is a fun sport to play with my family)
69. for a quiet house during nap time
70. for time to spend with only my dear husband
71. for time to spend with my girl friends
72. for fall decor. I just love it!
73. for pumpkin scented candles
74. that suffering has a purpose, to draw me closer to God and make me more like Him
75. that God is not finished with me yet.

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