Why Pray?

March 15, 2011 § 4 Comments

If God’s plans can’t be thwarted, if He is omniscient, if He is omnipotent, then why pray?

What difference does it really make?

Logically it doesn’t make sense. And yet:

God tells us to pray…

Ephesians 6:18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Jesus prayed…

Luke 5:17 “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

So what does praying do? Why pray?

In this short blog post I can’t even begin to scratch the surface of prayer, but there are some simple things that God has been speaking to my heart about prayer…

1. True prayer changes the pray-er. Suddenly the person praying is no longer looking at his or her circumstances, he is no longer figuring out what he can do to fix things. Instead the he is humbling coming to the Father, the Almighty King, and laying his concerns at the feet of God. In order to pray the pray-er must admit things are beyond him and that things are not beyond God. So God is on the throne and the pray-er is on his knees. Check out 2 Chronicles 7:14

2. True prayer brings God near. Deuteronomy 4:7 says, “What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him?” So God is near us when we pray. Oh when He is near us we feel comfort, experience His peace, and can rest in His perfect weaving together of events (our sin, our obedience, others’ sins, others’ obedience, natural events) into His tapestry of grace and love. Working out good for those who love Him. Yes, when we pray we can see Him in our everything working out His perfect plan even when it doesn’t match our longings.

3. True prayer that changes hearts and brings God near brings peace that guards our hearts and minds. Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Because God is near, because we are humbled, then we can experience peace that guards our hearts and minds in Jesus! Oh that our hearts and minds would be guarded in Christ Jesus so we would obey Him, bring joy to Him, follow Him all the days of our lives! Amazing that God would bring that about when we pray!

Why do you pray? What have you learned about prayer? Share with me…

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May I Recommend…

January 5, 2011 § 7 Comments

Nearly three years my quiet time was revolutionized when I was introduced to the Chronological Bible at a ladies retreat. It is a Bible that puts the Biblical account into chronological order and then into daily readings for each day of the year. For example January 1 the reading is Genesis 1:1-3:24.

Since the Biblical account is given in chronological order, when I read yesterday about Noah from Genesis, I also read some of the verses in 1 Chronicles that mention Noah’s genealogy. When I read aboutNIV One Year Chronological Bible, softcover   - David hiding from Saul in a cave, I also read the Psalms he likely wrote in that cave.

This allows me to read through the Bible every year and I get such a great perspective of what and when God did things. I am seeing His hand and His story in more detail. I am more in love with His word than ever because reading this Bible helps me put the pieces together. Also Iva May does blog full of daily questions and commentary to consider over each of these readings. Her blog site is: http://www.ivamaystories.blogspot.com/

All that to say I HIGHLY recommend the Chronological Bible. It comes in different versions, so look around to find your favorite one.

Also I am throwing out a challenge. I have not been the best at memorizing scripture until I found someone in the last year or so to hold me accountable. Now that I have that person, I want to help others by being that person. I am also feeling compelled to memorize longer portions of scripture. Again, not because I am so cool, but because I am so needy of the word! Psalm 119:11 says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” (NAS) Without His word treasured or hidden in my heart I am certainly going to sin. I need more of Him and more of His grace. As I have been memorizing I am able to breathe grace in and out. I am able to accept grace for myself and give grace to others. Oh, but without His word, I am desperate.

So I am memorizing the book of James. I have finished the first chapter. I would like to have the whole book done by June. Can you help keep me accountable? If you tell me what you are memorizing, I will help keep you accountable.

I can’t wait to see where God is going to take us this year! May God bless the time you spend with Him. Praying, Reading, and Memorizing!

Letting My Treasures Go

September 6, 2010 § 2 Comments

Have you ever tried to change a two-year old’s clothes while he or she is clinging to a “treasure.” It could be a book or a toy or a shoe for that matter, but he does not want to let it go. You pull the shirt over his head and his hand will not go through the sleeve. You try to convince this child to let go of the treasure in his hand. You promise to give it back. Yet he wails and moans as you tear it from his hand get the shirt off and put the new shirt on. Quickly you thrust the item back into his hand and you marvel, “If only he would trust me to give his treasure back.”

I have a hard time laying things I love and treasure down at the feet of God. I admit that I hoard things, dreams, plans, people. Sometimes I even hold tight to the time God has given me and act as if I can make my day go my way. God can and sometimes does tear our treasures from our hands. Oh, but He longs for us to lay them down. He doesn’t promise us that He will give them back, but He is faithful, He has a plan. Isn’t it worth the risk?

God is infinitely more loving and faithful as a parent than I am. If I know how to give my child good things, then God knows better than I. (Matt 7:11) So why is it so hard for me to let my dreams, plans, people go at Christ’s feet? I make a mess of things, but “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Eccl 3:11) You would think I was a child who couldn’t understand that God has a different plan or a different time or even a better treasure in store for me. I just have to trust Him and lay my treasures at His feet.

It isn’t as if God doesn’t know what it is like to lay down His own treasure. Colossians 2:3 when speaking of Christ says, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” God allowed Jesus, arguably the treasure of heaven, to be crucified. He gave up His greatest gift, a special part of Himself, His Son. God the Father planned to do it before the world began. So if God who is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, can give up Christ for enemies, can I give up my treasures for God’s glory? Can I lay my hopes, dreams, timing at His feet and trust Him to give me what I need?

Sometimes we have to lay our dreams and hopes down in order to move on to a new or different stage in life. In order to change clothes for the day my son had to set down his treasure. So God calls us to let go of our hopes, dreams, and treasures so that He can prepare us for the next thing. He has plans for us (Jer 29:11) and is able to do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” (Eph 3:20) So why do we think we have to hold tight to things we cannot keep anyway. Why not let the rest in the safest place, God’s hands?

Precious Holy God. Forgive me for hoarding my “treasures.” In comparison to Your glory and heaven, my “treasures” are dust. Oh Father, help me to lay down my hopes, dreams, my children, my husband on Your altar. That You may have Your way with them. That I may do what You have called me to do and noting more. Father help me to rest in Your faithfulness. Help me to remember I can trust You to do more than I could ask or imagine. Thank You for being that big. In Jesus’ precious and holy name I pray. Amen.

So what treasure do you need to lay at God’s feet today?

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