The Trees and Me and Something Free for You

April 11, 2011 § 4 Comments

Sycamore trees fascinate me. We have several small ones in our front yard. Until about a week ago they held tight to their brown dead leaves – leaves that were once bright and green. Early last fall they turned a beautiful orange color and then they turned brown and drab. Those stubborn trees held tight to their dead leaves through fall, all of winter, and into spring. Finally last week during some unusually high winds, these trees finally let go of their dead leaves. It was at that point – when they had given up what they were comfortable with – that their spring buds for new leaves could form.

Those trees and I have a lot in common. I get used to the way I do things or how I do things. I get used to sin in my life and I cling to it. Even though it is brown and dead and nasty. I like it. Maybe it started as something I was doing for God, but it turned into something about me. Oh, but I cling to it. I cling to it because I remember what it once was. It was once beautiful and it even turned a glorious orange color for a short time. But God has other plans. In order for me to grow and change and stay healthy I have to be willing to let go. I like my trees have to give up what I am comfortable with so that God can grow me and change me.

Is that true in your life? Do you hang onto things God is calling you to let go so that He can do a work in your life? Would you share with me?

Here is what I am letting go of for God to do a work in me…It is also what begins my list of things I am thankful for:

381. God is tearing apart my little dreams that aren’t His and replacing them with buds of new dreams that are God-sized dreams.
383. My kids running and hollering together.
384. God is changing my heart
385. My supportive husband
386. God’s word (my breath of life)
387. Encouraging friends
388. God is making my heart teachable
389. Rejection that reminds me God has other plans
390. Nerf dart tag
391. Sound of laughter
392. Speaking truth into the lives of kids (mine and others)
393. Health
394. Water
395. My husband’s heart
396. Sweet friends who testify to my husband’s heart
397. Encouragement from others walking similar roads
398. That God would use even me
399. Forgiveness from my kids
400. Three blessings with their arms wrapped around their daddy.
401. I have an exciting free resource for you…Go to Resource page from the list on the left hand column. I pray it blesses you.

What are you thankful for? Leave a comment! I can’t wait to hear from you!

Socially Inept to Socially Confident in 24 hours

April 4, 2011 § 6 Comments

It isn’t easy being me. I don’t mean my life is harder than average. I mean it is exhausting being me.

One Saturday night my husband and I had an event to attend. I only had slight acquaintances with the attendees and a bad attitude. I didn’t want to go, I was uncomfortable, scared, and insecure. I am an awkward teenager again. The one who doesn’t know what to say, to wear, or to who she is. Mostly the awkward teenager in me fears she won’t be accepted.

About 24-hours later, we had another event to attend. This time I knew more of the attendees, I was confident, and excited about going. I had no doubts about what to wear, or say or do. What caused this severe case of social whip-lash? The ugly truth?

Sometimes I fear people more than I fear God. I am self-conscious instead of  God-conscious. I want acceptance and I fear that I am not acceptable. So begins my list of things I am thankful for.

362. God’s forgiveness.
363. God refines me.
364. I enjoyed the event I dreaded.
365. Friends
366. Spring weather
367. Tears that cleanse
368. New doors opening
369. my husband
370. Nerf flag football
371. Nerf dart guns
372. the sound of my kids as they play together
373. laughter
374. friends who think, plan, and minister with
375. the girls I teach at church
376. Silence
377. God’s grace
378. worship music
379. worship living
380. time with my husband holding hands and dreaming dreams

What are you thankful for?

What a Break Does to Me

March 28, 2011 § 10 Comments

Last week was Spring Break. I loved it. I loved sleeping in (sort of you know kids don’t really ever sleep in), I enjoyed having friends over (tremendously), and I got to see my family (haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving). Oh, but my body prefers routine. I was unable or unwilling to get in bed when I needed and up when I needed. I did not use the work-out clothes I so dutifully packed nor did I monitor how much I was eating. (My mom and sisters can cook!)

So when I got my weary rear-end in bed last night I planned on getting up early and getting my blog post done and a few other things to make the first day back to school go smoothly…It didn’t happen that way. First I stayed up way to late…Then I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep. However God did graciously wake me up. There was no time for a blog post, and I had to decide between quiet time and shower. I chose quiet time thinking that I could just drop the girls off and quickly run home.

I woke my kids and they did GREAT getting ready this morning! I was so proud of them. We got downstairs and I realized I didn’t have milk. I had a few swallows for each kid, but that is it. So I knew I had to go to the store unshowered, but dressed, face washed, and teeth brushed (my hair was in a hat). No biggie…Most likely I won’t run into anyone I know.

I even had time to make two lunches this morning and to fry some eggs…Not for me, but I was going to get breakfast after that quick jaunt to the store…All was well, we got out the door in record time and headed to school. As I went to drop off E and L, I realized it was honor’s chapel for E. UGH!

Maybe she won’t want me to come, I thought as I turned to ask her if she wanted me there. Since I hadn’t showered, her answer was YES she needed me there. 😉 So here is a picture of what I looked like this morning for your enjoyment. I was thankful to see a few other mothers in hats and sweats, but I am afraid I took the grungy prize! 😉

And so I continue to count the things for which I am thankful for:

326. Spring weather

327. Outdoor play time

328. Friends that point me to Him

329. Clouds to keep the temperature comfortable

330. Children playing with friends

331. Growing children

332. Precious time on my knees

333. Sound of running water

334. Sound of my kids working together

335. Clouds parting in the early evening to let the sun through

336. Time with extended family

337. Baby Finely is home and doing well

338. Safe travels

339. My kids love their cousins

340. My J is all boy

341. My E still wants me around

342. My L loves babies

343. My husband loves to play with the kids

344. Audiobooks

345. God’s perfect direction

346. Snow up north as we drove south toward home

347. Friends

348. Learning to speak in grace

349. God woke me up this morning

350. We were on-time to school

351. I got to see E’s honor’s chapel

352. The Japanese Maple in the backyard is a beautiful red

353. Spring blooms

354. My washer and dryer

355. My new Jayhawk gear (yes I know they lost yesterday)

356. The built-in griddle on my stove

357. That I know how to use a stethoscope and I know what I am listening for

358. Cool coffee because I can never seem to drink it when I pour it

359. Clouds parting to show blue skies

360. The beautiful colors of sunrise

361. Other moms in hats and sweats at honors chapel

What are you thankful for? Does having a break make it difficult for you to stay on task? I can’t wait to hear what you think and what you are thankful for! Blessings to you all for this wonderful Monday!

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